

void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])

Function Documentation

void mexFunction ( int  nlhs,
mxArray *  plhs[],
int  nrhs,
const mxArray *  prhs[] 
ptrhandle returned by cam_initialize()
success True or false if observations were available or unavailable. A true return from cam_waitForObservations() will guarantee that observations are available.
observations Row vector of observations. Individual observations are [x,y,z] tuples, and this result is a concatenation of all measured observations.
observationIds Cell array of strings associated with each tuple in the observation parameter. This string corresponds to a link name in the OTDF.
Matlab example: [success, observations, observationIds] = cam_getObservations(ptr)
The C++ thread montiors the AFFORDANCE_DETECTIONS message and accumulates observations which can be retrieved with this function.

Definition at line 18 of file cam_getObservations.cpp.

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